The Tavis Smiley Show and the Annie E. Casey Foundation present.
No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive |
Date: June 25, 2010.
Shirley Jahad |
Paul Kiel |
No Place Like Home - Modification Mayhem
In our special Annie E. Casey Foundation series No Place Like Home, we team up with Propublica to look at the government's loan modification program. It's left many homeowners confused by the details and scared about losing their house. Reporter Shirley Jahad goes to Orange County, California where even a housing attorney can't get a straight answer from her mortgage broker.
Plus, consumer lawyer Diane Thompson and Propublica reporter Paul Kiel talk about the ways homeowners can protect themselves from foreclosure.
Date: March 19, 2010.
Neil Donovan |
No Place Like Home Series: Foreclosures and the Homeless
As part of our monthly series, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive, Producer Vanessa Rumbles profiles Sheri West, an Ohio woman who went from owning a home and operating a shelter for homeless people to becoming homeless herself.
www.housingpolicy.org |
Date: February 26, 2010.
Mark Fick |
No Place Like Home: Eco Villages and Co-ops
We resume our series on life in the housing market after the mortgage bust, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive with a look at Eco-villages by KPCC reporter Brian Watt. Mark Fick, a senior loan and program officer for the Chicago Community Loan Fund and Verlander Thomkins, resident of the Harold Washington Unity Co-op in Chicago discuss the pros and cons of co-op living.
www.housingpolicy.org |
Date: December 18, 2009.
Phyllis Caldwell |
Part 1
The 6th and final installment of our special series, No Place Like Home: Keeping The American Dream Alive, takes a look at the administration's efforts to help the millions of American homeowners avoid foreclosure. We visit first with Phyllis Caldwell, head of the Treasury Department's Office of Homeownership Preservation.
Bruce Marks
Mike Calhoun
Part 2
Then, we go to a convention center in New York where thousands of troubled homeowners turned out for a foreclosure seminar sponsored by Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America (NACA). The group's director Bruce Marks and Mike Calhoun of the Center for Responsible Lending assess the Obama Administration's efforts so far.
Date: October 30, 2009.
We continue our special series, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive, focusing this month on urban revitalization efforts across the country.
Part 1
We get started in New Orleans, where producer Eve Abrams gives us an inside look at an effort helping Katrina victims keep their homeownership dreams alive.
Alan Mallach
Will Bradshaw
Part 2
Then, housing expert Alan Mallach, with the Brookings Institution, and Green Coast Enterprise's Will Bradshaw discuss how other groups are helping to revitalize and strengthen neighborhoods in New Orleans as well as those hit by economic disaster across the country.
Date: September 25, 2009.
Catalina Garza
No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive
We continue our special series, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive. Producer Jon Tkach profiles Catalina Garza who went from sharing one bedroom with her mother and sister to owning her very own 3-bedroom home with the help of Habitat for Humanity.
Date: August 28, 2009.
Victoria Cavaliere
No Place Like Home
We continue our special series, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive. Producer Victoria Cavaliere profiles affluent Westchester County New York, where officials made headlines this month by agreeing to build hundreds of affordable housing units and take steps to aggressively market them to Blacks and Latino.
Angela Glover Blackwell
Andrew Spano
No Place Like Home
Founder and CEO of Policy Link, Angela Glover Blackwell, and Westchester County Executive Andrew Spano discuss the settlement's significance for New York and beyond.
Date: July 24, 2009.
No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive
We continue our special series, No Place Like Home: Keeping the American Dream Alive. Producer Leshelle Sargent profiles a first-time homebuyer who found a silver lining in the the housing bust. Afterwards, Lori Gay, the President of the Los Angeles Neighborhood Housing Services, and Kenneth Wade, CEO of NeighborWorks America discuss a broad range of housing programs available to prospective low-income homebuyers.
Date: June 26, 2009.
Shaun Donovan |
More Than Just Hope
Shaun Donovan, Secretary of the US Department of Housing and Urban Development offers more than just hope but modes of help for those struggling in the wake of the mortgage crisis.
Angelica Rubio |
Home Mortgage Crisis
Angelica Rubio, a local home counselor and the Director of the East LA Community Corporation's Department of Community Wealth details how she helps families affected by the home mortgage crisis.